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Cat's Eye

Cat's eye gemstone, also known as "lehsunia" or "vaidurya," is a fascinating gemstone known for its distinct chatoyancy, which creates a narrow band of light that moves across the surface when the stone is turned. It's typically yellowish-green to brown in color and is believed to have metaphysical properties like protection, insight, and healing. It's associated with the planet Ketu in Vedic astrology and is said to bring good luck and fortune to the wearer. Cat's eye gemstone is often used in jewelry, particularly in rings and pendants.


Cat's eye gemstone, also known as "lehsunia" or "vaidurya," is a fascinating gemstone known for its distinct chatoyancy, which creates a narrow band of light that moves across the surface when the stone is turned. It's typically yellowish-green to brown in color and is believed to have metaphysical properties like protection, insight, and healing. It's associated with the planet Ketu in Vedic astrology and is said to bring good luck and fortune to the wearer. Cat's eye gemstone is often used in jewelry, particularly in rings and pendants.

Composition and Formation: Cat's Eye gemstone is primarily composed of chrysoberyl, a mineral consisting of beryllium and aluminum oxide. Its unique appearance is attributed to microscopic inclusions of parallel-oriented fibers, needles, or tubes within the crystal structure. These inclusions cause the captivating chatoyant effect.

Varieties: While chrysoberyl is the most well-known material for Cat's Eye gemstones, other minerals can exhibit similar chatoyancy, such as tourmaline, apatite, and quartz. However, chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is the most sought after due to its exceptional clarity and intensity of the chatoyant band.

Colors and Clarity: Cat's Eye gemstones can display a range of colors, including yellow, green, brown, and gray. The intensity and hue of the color can vary depending on the presence of trace elements. Clarity is also a crucial factor in determining the value of Cat's Eye gemstones, with clearer stones commanding higher prices.

Cut and Carat Weight: Cat's Eye gemstones are typically cut into cabochons to showcase the chatoyant effect. The shape and size of the cabochon can vary, but oval and round shapes are the most common. Carat weight can vary widely, with larger stones being rarer and more valuable.

Caring for Cat's Eye Gemstone: Like other gemstones, Cat's Eye requires proper care to maintain its luster and beauty. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and sudden impacts. Clean your Cat's Eye gemstone with a soft cloth and mild soap, and store it separately from other jewelry to prevent scratches.

Historical and Cultural Significance: Cat's Eye gemstone has been prized throughout history for its mystical properties. In ancient times, it was believed to protect against evil spirits and bring good fortune to its wearer. Today, it remains a popular choice for both spiritual and aesthetic reasons, adorning jewelry pieces and serving as a symbol of elegance and sophistication.

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