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Ruby is a captivating gemstone renowned for its deep red hue and rich history. As one of the most prized gemstones, it symbolizes passion, love, and vitality. Ruby is a variety of the mineral corundum, with its distinctive red color attributed to the presence of chromium. This gem has been cherished for centuries, adorning crowns, jewelry, and ceremonial objects of royalty and nobility across cultures.

Historically, rubies were believed to possess mystical properties, such as protection from harm and promoting good health. In ancient civilizations like those of India and Burma, rubies were highly esteemed and often associated with divine power and protection.


Ruby is a captivating gemstone renowned for its deep red hue and rich history. As one of the most prized gemstones, it symbolizes passion, love, and vitality. Ruby is a variety of the mineral corundum, with its distinctive red color attributed to the presence of chromium. This gem has been cherished for centuries, adorning crowns, jewelry, and ceremonial objects of royalty and nobility across cultures.

Historically, rubies were believed to possess mystical properties, such as protection from harm and promoting good health. In ancient civilizations like those of India and Burma, rubies were highly esteemed and often associated with divine power and protection.

Ruby's allure goes beyond its captivating color; its physical properties and rarity contribute to its mystique and value. A true ruby's hue ranges from vivid crimson to deep burgundy, with the most prized stones exhibiting a pure, intense red known as "pigeon's blood." This color saturation is a result of the perfect balance of chromium and iron within the corundum crystal structure.

In addition to its mesmerizing color, the clarity of a ruby is also highly prized. Fine rubies possess exceptional transparency, with minimal inclusions that do not detract from their beauty. However, some rubies exhibit phenomena like asterism, which creates a captivating star effect when viewed under certain lighting conditions.

Rarity adds another layer of allure to rubies. While corundum itself is abundant, gem-quality rubies are exceptionally rare. Mining for rubies often involves painstaking extraction methods, with only a small percentage of rough stones meeting the criteria for high-quality gems. As a result, large, flawless rubies command premium prices in the gemstone market, with exceptional specimens becoming coveted collector's items.

The combination of its mesmerizing color, exceptional clarity, and rarity makes ruby a gemstone of enduring value and appeal. Whether showcased in a stunning solitaire ring or as the centerpiece of a statement necklace, rubies continue to captivate and inspire with their timeless beauty and allure.

1 Reviews

  1. Amy Burton

    Soumya Ranjamn


    9th Aug 2023

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